Prelievi ai bambini | VITALE - Centro Analisi Cliniche - Caltanissetta

Withdraw the children

Withdraw the children

Laboratorio Analisi Cliniche Vitale pays special attention to the levies for children. Below the age of 2 should contact the Laboratory to book the day of collection. The environment is made for the child comfortable and books are available for children who may require acceptance.

  • Tips for a peaceful withdrawal

    Stay calm

    In early childhood, under three years old, the child does not & egrave; still able to verbally express his emotions, for this sets the scene long weeping and exhausting. This is why you should always stay calm, to transmit to baby this message: «don't worry, everything is under control».

  • Parent behavior

    Always be honest

    It is important that the parent does not tell lies, even if for a good purpose. It is better to warn him that he will probably feel like a small pinch or pinprick mosquito. Attention should be paid to the choice of words and expressions that have recourse to the child knows.

  • The figure of the doctor

    Remedies to remove to the doctor the monster mask

    is essential to explain to the little that the doctor is a person like any other, who does the spending, which has children, so as to remove his severe image. It is important that the child understands that the doctor is a person that works to make him feel good, and to allow him to run and play as he pleases.

After collection

After the levy is important to pamper the child even if it is already big boy, because at these times children need to return a “some little ones” and to be pampered. It always works the kiss on the wound and, after a few minutes, just tell him «behold, you see, is already healing» and the child will return to smile.

Centro Analisi Cliniche Vitale s.r.l. - Vat: 01357890852

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