Note: For exams not found please contact the Center.

Who we are

Specialist Analysis Clinical Center

Centro Analisi Cliniche Vitale is a basic laboratory, specializing in clinical chemistry analysis and specialized areas of Clinical Biochemistry, Toxicology, Microbiology and Seroimmunology.
The Centre has a staff large internal and auxiliary staff.
Is a health actually recognized as a serious and competent work in medicine lab with professionalism, dedication and humanity. The Centre has an agreement with the National Health System.

Passion and dedication to the service of patients.

  • times

    Monday to Friday: hours 7:30 to 13:15 hours and 16:00 to 18:00. Saturday: from 08.00 to 13.15.

  • reports in 24h

    We guarantee delivery times according to their needs to all patients who request it.

  • ssn Convention

    You can make withdrawals in agreement with the NHS exhibiting the attending physician's prescription.

  • home analysis

    Thanks to its team of nurses, the Center provides analysis tests both in the laboratory and on site. Contact us.

Online Medical Reports


Preparing for analysis


How to apply for a laboratory analysis.

you can request diagnostic laboratory investigations in three ways:
1) By going to the family doctor who will prescribe the sull'impegnativa analysis (SSN recipe). This allows, for those who qualify, to use the NHS tariffs and possibly reductions, until the total exemption payment.
2) By asking directly to the testing laboratory performance by presenting a prescription made on personal recipe book & ldquo; white recipe & rdquo ;. In this case, the patient will have to bear the cost of the inspection.
3) Asking directly laboratory analysis at the time of acceptance (without any doctor's prescription.) In this case the patient will have to bear the cost of the inspection.

Contact Services


How to acceptance.

Upon arrival at the laboratory withdraw the reservation number for the shift in the waiting room. Wait with the medical application and an identity document in hand, that one of our staff at the counter accepting invitations to communicate master data and surveys required by the medical officer, who will be entered in our computer system.
At the end of these operations, you will be given a coupon which must be returned in acceptance at the time of picking up results. Once this phase, our operators will invite to wait until one of Sanitation summon you for taking or for the delivery of biological samples.

For the delivery of biological samples only, without collection, it is not necessary to observe the normal shift in the hall, but to deliver the sample directly in acceptance.

Pregnant women, when possible, are favored by giving them priority for acceptance.


Withdrawal reports

When you pick up the reports of the analysis.

The Centre Clinical Analysis Vitale delivers reports of examinations, usually in the late morning and afternoon, depending on the type of examination performed. Here are the details all withdrawal times:
- From 11.00 to 13.15 from Monday to Friday
- From 16.00 to 18.00 from Monday to Friday
- Saturday from 10.00 to 13.15 hours.

Reports via e-mail
Request at the time of submission of the reports to your email. You will be given the password for opening PDF files.

Home Reports
The laboratory performs a delivery of reports delivery service. To request the service you can contact us by telephone or ask for Acceptance.

Contact Services

List Tests A-Z handled by the Centre.

Exams A-Z
Access times
  • Monday - Friday:
    hours 7.30 - 13.15
    ore 16.00 - 18.00

  • Saturday:
    ore 8.00 - 13.15

Info and news
Where we are

Centro Analisi Cliniche Vitale s.r.l. - Vat: 01357890852

Centro Analisi Cliniche Vitale S.r.l. ha nominato quale DPO (Data Protection Officer) il Sig. Giuffrida Domenico, che puo' essere contattato al seguente indirizzo email:

+39 0934 26002
Form Contatti

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